Sunday, January 24, 2010

10 People Who Inspire Me

There is always someone who inspires me, every moment of my life and every second of my dreams. So here I am compiling a list. If I forget to mention any, another post might be coming up!

Here's my list:
  1. The Sister & The Brother: She is my soul mate, my best friend and an awesome shopping companion while he is THE amazing brother I can ever have, can ever ask for.
  2. The Parents: Especially the Dad, who encouraged me to dream, to pursue and to succeed.
  3. The Friends: Who keeps me sane... Who inspires me in different ways I cannot imagine.
  4. Audrey Hepburn: Whose sense of timeless style captured the world and stayed on for decades.
  5. Karl Lagerfeld: Chanel, enough said.
  6. Whitney Port
  7. Queen Rania
  8. Natalie Portman: Smart with enviable yet easy to emulate red-carpet looks.
  9. Xiaxue: Who could actually say what is on their mind truthfully and stands for it? This is a trait I admire of her. Sometimes, I don't even dare to speak up my mind when there is something to say. And it is not a good thing.. But it is a learning process which I am going to master.
  10. Various bloggers/blogs: For their own creative interpretation towards their take on style.
So who inspires you?

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