1. Bought myself a new phone

Pic credits to: www.dse.com.au
After weeks of complaining about my old LG phone and procrastinating about getting a new one, I finally settled on a Nokia E63 white phone. To be honest, the old LG phone did not suit my new lifestyle anymore. I was also getting annoyed by the fact that the battery life was too short and the phone has become too slow to respond. For example when I receive an SMS, I need to wait for at least five minutes before it will open the message. And no, I have nothing saved inside my phone, no songs, no photos, except a picture for my wallpaper.
So far, I really love my new phone!!! Only bummer is the fact that white makes me a very paranoid lady.. But whatever, I love the white in colour because it is simply gorgeous!
2. Cancelled a trip to Genting
With much sadness, a trip to Genting during the long upcoming Vesak Day holiday has been shelved. There are no tickets left. Even if we have tickets for the bus journey, the hotels have been fully booked. The family and I expected it anyway, since we finally made up our minds to go just two weeks before departure.... Typical us.
3. Planning a trip to Bangkok
I know it is too early to tell about the situation, but the family and I are in the midst of planning a holiday to Bangkok. Come September if all goes well, we will be in Bangkok!!!
4. Getting super obsessed with the song 'Always' by Alantic Starr
This is the same song that has been playing on my Apple Touch for weeks now but I am still never sick of it. How to? Lyrics, amazing. Voices, perfect. Song, simply classic.
5. Oh, I cut my hair again
After getting so fed up with the pixie crop I had the hairdresser cut for me quite some time back, I decided to pay a visit to the hairdresser again. This time, no more pixie cuts! But a classic bob for me. I forgot how pixie cuts can make me look like a freaking boy.
What I wore today. It's been a long time since I did an outfit post, isn't it?
Ruffled front top, flats & bag: Bugis, Pants: Dressy Dressy & Ring: Cotton On
Have misplaced my sunglasses somewhere... Time to go get new ones.
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